hammering flower prints

I saw Ashley at Life with Moore Babies pound flower prints with her children last week and I knew my son would love this activity!

We collected flowers and put them between two pieces of paper.  (He became distracted by daddy’s tractor in the yard — that’s his sweet little head on the tractor.)


Next we pounded them with his hammer.  (He, as you can imagine, was a little over-zealous with this part.)DSC04612

And woh-lah, a sweet little Picasso.  We kept the flowers on, instead of peeling them off, and taped it to our kitchen window for a super-easy craft painting!


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Happy playing,

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around here: spring flowers


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a beautiful magnolia tree

Watching the springtime bloom brings me so much joy. Spring is, by far, my favorite season.  My love for flowers started five years ago, in my new home, with my new husband.  I was in a place I could call my own and cultivate for my own enjoyment and beauty.  That first year, I began planting like crazy.  I have had many bumps in the road — and moles-hills in our lawn — but overall, I love the dirt and I love it in my fingernails.

I have a wonderful flower garden now, and enjoy weeding and watching, especially with a sweet baby on my back and a sweet boy running around me.  Last year was our first real vegetable garden, so this year, I hope we harvest, and weed, a bit more.  We also have many perennials and bulbs, so I always have a new flower to cut and put on my kitchen table every week.

This spring has been especially wonderful, for two reasons: my little boy loves watching things grow alongside me and I have my new camera to help me capture these beautiful growing moments. This tree — which is technically in my wonderful neighbors’ yard — is my absolute favorite.  I wish it bloomed year-round, but maybe its two weeks of beauty a year is why I love and cherish it so much.

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What spring blossoms are your favorite? Do you have any photography tips or blog posts to share with me? I’d love to read them! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. ♥

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