
Corduroy by Donald Freeman!


I love the Five in a Row curriculum, the premise is that you should read the same children’s book to your child for five days in a row, all week.  We have Before Five in a Row, and are reading through some of the books in there and also picking books according to our season, theme, or interest. Homeschool Creations and Homeschool Share have many printable resources for the Five in a Row series.  Other wonderful moms have provided literature-based printables on their sites too.  I am taking full advantage.

My sister gave us her Cordoroy bear and John was so surprised to see it as part of our Corduroy Sensory Bin!


Cute buttons from Oriental Trading, cotton balls for the soft mattress, some sorting bowls, with the book and Corduroy himself!


We also loved this wonderful printable book from Homeschool Creations.  It corresponds with our book of the week while focusing on button shapes!  We ended up including it with the sensory bin and John loved it!


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